ISO 3834-2 Certification: Welding Expertise at the Highest Standard 

In this picture you can see ISO 3834-2 stamp on a background image

Ferroplan Oy has achieved ISO 3834-2 certification, awarded by DNV, a globally recognized authority in accreditation. This certification not only highlights our exceptional expertise in welding processes but also assures our customers that all our operations comply with rigorous quality requirements, delivering products with structural durability and uniformity. This means our customers can trust our … Weiterlesen

ISO 9001 Certification: Ensuring Operational Excellence and Customer Satisfaction 

In this picture you can see ISO 9001 stamp on a background image

Ferroplan Oy is proud to announce that DNV has awarded us the ISO 9001 certification. This certification reflects our dedication to maintaining a strong culture of continuous improvement, operational efficiency, and customer focus.  “Achieving certification in ISO 9001 highlights our commitment to quality and our dedication to exceeding customer expectations. We are focused on continuously … Weiterlesen